Admirable shooting.
Our nanny told me a very sad fact that the Lee County Animal Shelter is being forced to clear space in their shelter and giving away animals with special deals and guarantees in an effort to find as many homes as possible asap. Out of a sort of sad curiousity, I found myself following the link she posted on Facebook to see the dogs and cats listed on their site. (I really don't know why I was torturing myself. We can barely handle caring for the rescue furbabies we have on top of the human babies and business balancing. There is certainly no room for any additional fur here.) But alas, there I was looking at the pictures of all the sweet dogs and cats there for adoption. I was immediately struck by the photography I was seeing. These were no ordinary point and shoot images with bad flash bouncing off the metal cage of the animal. These were professional, studio quality, AMAZING pet portraits with heart and soul. These animals were shown off in the best possible way, quirky furry little souls shining through loud and clear. I looked up the watermark on the images: "Square Dog Photography" and found more beautiful pet portraits on the photographer's site. I especially love his black and white work. I had to know about this incredible photographer and his work. I sent a contact form to ask him about the images on the shelter's site. Eric Wilson emailed me this morning, explaining that he "has been at the shelter for almost a year now, two to three days a week photographing animals." "It's the best way I can help out the community given my particular skill set." he wrote. He directed me to a couple of articles he has written for The Huffington Post: "I Shoot Dogs" and "It's Kitten Season" that both illustrate in charming detail what his work at the shelter entails. I just have to say I'm amazed at his talent and dedication. His work made me smile again and again and I just know that his images are giving those animals a much higher chance of finding a family. He has a gift and I think it's so wonderful of him to share it. Of course, Eric is available for commission, and has worked with some high-profile clients and their own furry loves. These images below appeared in Eric's Huffington Post articles.

I encourage you to go to his website, "Square Dog Photography" to see his whole portfolio! You can also see much of his work on the shelter's site, "Lee County Domestic Animal Services".

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