

Welcome to our journal, where we like to share our latest happenings, musings, inspirations, loves and most of all: fresh new work!  Scroll below to take a look.  Leave a comment if the mood should strike.  We really like comments.  :)


Entries in Epistrophy Cafe (2)


Carol and Carl's New York City Engagement Session (part 1)

Within minutes of arriving in the city we wondered into this little cafe, and I fell in love.  Love love love everything about it.  I was giddy when Carol and Carl (and Michael) were up for stopping by during our shoot. (Epistrophy Cafe)    

We were so close to Little Italy, we had to pay homage to Carl's heritage with a stroll through.

   Stay tuned, there's more to come!



Few things soothe and rejuvenate at once, the way a good cup of coffee can.